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Our first trip to Ghana was planned from start to flight in 3 weeks and we didn't know what to expect. After purchasing our flights, we realized that we couldn't go half way around the world to provide reading assistance to students for a couple weeks. There had to more that we could do.  We decided to fundraise and people actually wanted to help. We asked everyone we knew for $1 and we were able to raise $1500 in 2 weeks. We could not leave our destination the same condition that we found it. With donations from people just like you, we have been able to purchase books, medical supplies, repair a water well and start a school lunch fund.

Although there is more that can be done, there is no doubt that we are making a significant impact. Our success is measured through the text messages, heartwarming photos, surprise video chats, appreciation videos and consistent prayers that we receive from the blessed people of Ghana. 


In addition to meeting in Ghana, we volunteer locally with various organizations to provide assistance with childcare and distribute food in the community.



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Vision Volunteers understands how easy it is to fall into a pattern of apathy. We are committed to helping people who need help and cultivating an awareness in people who can help. When we see needs, we take note and make plans to meet them. 

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